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I was just sitting here listening to Lil One chatter and she was reading out what she imagines my to-do list to be for today:

You have to feed the dogs
You have to pick me up from school
You have to pick up my brother from school
You have to check your e-mail
You have to fold the laundry
You have to knit my socks
You have to sort the mail
You have to do your work
You have to make dinner
You have to do the dishes
You have to ….

Oh my.  She’s right.  It seems like lately there have been vast lists of “have to’s” and little room for the “want to’s”.  She hears me say it all day long.  “We can play a game but first I have to _________ .”  The running around and keeping up has meant scarce time with the camera, and less time for knitting and writing.  Fortunately not all of the have to’s are unpleasant or tedious, and I did manage to whip out the camera for a few fun moments of late.

On Saturdays, we “have to” take Lil One to her dancing class.  She loves it, and she’s blossoming into quite a little ballerina.  Here she is last Sat. in her Tiny Tea Leaves sweater I knitted for this fall.


This was the sweater to replace the one she left at the zoo.  Lil One picked out the yarn herself, Berroco’s Maya, and I happened to have these lovely vintage buttons from Dusty’s Vintage Buttons at the CT Sheep and Wool Festival.  I ended up adding a few button holes, just so we could use a few more buttons.  I love the sparkle centers:


She has decided it’s pretty much ideal for dancing and loves the 3/4 sleeves so she can move and pose.  I modified the neckline a little to bring it in by crocheting in sc around the neck.  I think I did 1 sc, 2 sc tog, around to reduce the size by about 1/3.  It has worked out well and stays in place better than the first one.  Tell me this doesn’t seem like a 1920’s picture postcard:


So, even though life is busy, plenty of things make me smile. I am happy that I do have to do so much.